
Scp 294 containment breach
Scp 294 containment breach

scp 294 containment breach

If he is chasing you, there is no chance of outrunning him. Moves slowly and can phase through solid objects.

scp 294 containment breach

This is unless MTF guards capture it at the end of the game, but this is not something to rely on. SCP-173 will appear throughout the entire game randomly and cannot be contained. If line of sight is broken, SCP-173 will move with incredible speed towards the player, instantly killing them most of the time. As a result, this line of sight must never be broken. Looks like a peach statue with a face on it. Doctors Quarters ( Dr.SCP-173: Known as “The Statue”.SCP-714, SCP-860 and SCP-1025 (SCP Storage Chamber).SCP-500 and SCP-1499 (Containment Room 5).SCP-1499 as it appears in the loading screen. Instances created in this way will immediately become hostile and pursue the player. It is possible to create SCP-1499-1 instances outside of SCP-1499's dimension by running SCP-1499 through SCP-914 on the "Very Fine" setting. Once SCP-1499 is unequipped, all SCP-1499-1 instances will disappear.

scp 294 containment breach

Making any further physical contact with an instance will result in them slashing at the player. If the player approaches a stationary one, it, along with every other instance in the landscape, becomes agitated and starts pursuing the player. Once the player come into close proximity with a mobile SCP-1499-1 instance, it will begin moving away from them. They will begin wandering aimlessly around the dimension, occasionally stopping to stroke their head. SCP-1499-1 instances appear all over SCP-1499's landscape. The left arm of each instance is also noticeably warped. They possess a large number of eyes and mouths placed on their body.


SCP-1499-1 instances are tall, nude humanoids with dark skin laced in a thick coat of an unknown viscous substance. Refining SCP-1499 on "Fine" grants the player infinite sprint when traveling inside the dimension, and "Very Fine" refines the gas mask into a hostile SCP-1499-1 instance. Putting SCP-1499 through SCP-914 on "1:1" will refine it into a standard gas mask. The player may also wander the landscape, and small groups of SCP-1499-1 can be found. If the player lingers for too long, the audience will face the player and the rest will chase him. Another instance can be seen on a balcony overlooking the audience. The player will initially start off outside what appears to be a church, where they can enter it and and find an audience of SCP-1499-1 instances. The landscape primarily consists of large, black stone structures that are either grounded or suspended in mid-air. Equipping the gas mask also allows the player to hide from any roaming hazards that may have been near them inside the facility. However, any damage inflicted to the player by an SCP-1499-1 instance will linger once SCP-1499 is removed. Removing the gas mask will return the player to the location where they initially equipped it, regardless of how far they travel in the landscape. Upon equipping SCP-1499, the player will be transported to the landscape. SCP-1499 can be found inside a wooden box in its containment chamber. Upon removing SCP-1499 from their head, the subject will reappear in the same location they were in when they put it on.

scp 294 containment breach

The victim is then transported to a barren and inhospitable landscape, with tall black towers filling the area. Approximately one second after SCP-1499 is fully secured on the subject's head, the subject vanishes from view, and is no longer detectable. The anomalous effects of SCP-1499 activate when a human places SCP-1499 on their head.

Scp 294 containment breach